And, as often happens with this sort of stuff, it's really steamrolled. The BA list is just grist for the internet food news/blog mill, and the only thing food writin' folks like more than checking out a new list is assessing and critiquing the lists of others. So as a result of BA publishing their list, we've been mentioned in subsequent articles in/at the Tribune, the Sun-Times, Huffington Post, NBC Chicago, and a whole host of others.
Then, as a result of posting some pics from my summer vacation on the Edzo's Facebook page, I got a call from Louisa Chu who was researching an article about chefs' vacations. The piece ended up in last week's Sun-Times food section and it was a really nicely done article (the online version doesn't do the stunning layout of the print edition justice). Plus, one of the pics I sent her of Henry chowing down on a burger made it into the paper. The PR for the restaurant is great, but making my kid's day by putting his picture in the paper is especially sweet!
And, then, hey, as long as we've got you on the line, Ed, could we ask you a few questions about your milkshakes? Um...sure. And, so, bam! This week's Sun-Times food section features an article about the old Multimixer we use to mix the shakes. And despite the fact that I'm quoted running down the quality of ice cream we use AND saying that our shakes are overpriced, the whole thing manages to come off as quite positive.
And, of course, all coverage is good coverage. Just get the name and address right! Thanks, everyone, for the interest!