So I spent almost the whole day painting. I'm only doing the trim and some fix-ups on the walls, but it's a lot of work because I'm doing light colors over dark ones, so I've got to prime and then do two or sometimes even three coats to get good coverage. It's coming along, but I'm dreading the shoe moldings.
I did a few other things, including placing a big order from Restaurant Equippers, on which I blew about half of my start-up smallwares budget. Hopefully I got about half the smallwares I need. I also made a bunch of appointments for the coming week.
Yesterday I rested my aching body. Painting is really hard on the muscles, especially if you're not used to doing it. Today is my designated childcare day, so that's fairly restful, at least physically.
Plans for the upcoming week; finish painting, get the kitchen equipment hooked up to gas, kitchen deep cleaning, lots of meetings with potential vendors, fill out all credit apps for vendors, keep trolling the restaurant sales and auctions for good deals, pull the trigger on a meat grinder, and a meeting with a Quickbooks expert for a crash course on Friday. I'm sure I'm leaving out a bunch of stuff.
Should be a busy week! Looking forward to making some progress.
Thanks forr this